N.F.-Board Constitution
In accordance with the Belgian law of the 27th of June 1921, a non-profit making association has been incorporated with the following constitution:
Article 73 – Internal Regulations
The Executive Committee shall draw up Internal Regulations which shall be submitted to the General Meeting for approval. After this, the Executive Committee may propose, during the Ordinary General Meeting, the amendments it deems useful for these regulations.
Article 74 - Officials writs
All instruments, invoices, declarations, publications and other records issued by the NFB shall include the association name immediately preceded or followed by the terms « association sans but lucratif » or A.S.B.L (non-profit making association).
Article 75 – Administrative control
The NFB shall register at the trade court a copy of the Constitution, of the writs relative to the appointment, the end of functions of the representatives and agents of the NFB, as well as a copy of the members’ register and of the annual accounts.
In case of modification, the members’ register shall be deposited at the trade court within the month of the birthday of the Constitution’s deposit.
Article 76 - Modifications to the statutes
The present statutes may be amended in accordance with the provisions of Articles 8 and 9 of the Belgian Law of 27 June 1921.
Article 77 – Dissolution
The members agree that, should the NFB cease to have legal personality for any cause whatsoever, it shall be dissolved ipso jure. The General Meeting may pronounce the dissolution of the association only in the conditions provided for in Article 20 of the Belgian Law of 27 June 1921 and in accordance with these presents.
Any decision regarding the dissolution of the NFB made by a General Meeting at which the two-thirds of the members of the NFB are not present, shall be submitted for the approval of the civil court. The General Meeting pronouncing the liquidation shall appoint two liquidators.
Once the liabilities have been discharged, the positive surplus shall be paid to an association with a similar object of business or to a charity working with physically or mentally handicapped children, the choice of which shall be submitted for approval by the General Meeting, each member of the NFB being able to put forward an association or charity of his/her choice.
Article 78 - Non planned and overpowering circumstances
Decisions pronounced by the Executive Committee shall be irrevocable for all the non planned and overpowering circumstances.
Article 79 – Founder members
The following members, which have created the NFB on the 12th of December 2003, are the Founder Members:
- Christian MICHELIS , French.
- Luc MISSON, Belgian.
- Jean-Luc KIT, French.
The following Founder Member has resigned to his status on 30 September 2006:
- Thierry MARCADE, French.
Article 80 – Enforcement
This Constitution was adopted by the Extraordinary General Meeting in Geneva on the 29th of September 2007 and will come into force on October 1st, 2007.