N.F.-Board Constitution
In accordance with the Belgian law of the 27th of June 1921, a non-profit making association has been incorporated with the following constitution:
Article 36 - Composition
The Executive Committee consists of fifteen (15) members:
- three (3) Founder members;
- six (6) Individual members, elected by the General Meeting;
- six (6) members appointed by the confederations or the Federations (FA).
Article 37 - Election of President and Executive Committee
1. Any candidate to the function of President shall submit to the vote of the General Meeting a listing of nine Effective members (three Founders + six Individual members) in which he must be nominated.
2. The President shall be elected by the General Meeting for a period of two years. His mandate shall begin after the end of the General Meeting which has elected him. A President may be re-elected.
3. The mandates of the members of the Executive Committee shall last for two years, starting upon their installation by the General Meeting. They may be re-elected.
4. Not more than one member from the same Football Association may serve on the Executive Committee simultaneously.
Article 38 – Continental representatives
1. All confederations shall appoint one member to the Executive Committee. They shall pass a single decision as to when they wish to appoint or elect this member. The subsequent General Meetings of the confederations shall take this decision within one year of this Constitution coming into force.
2. In the case that no continental confederation exists, the Affiliated members belonging to a same continent shall choose or elect their representative to the Executive Committee before the NFB General Meeting. This nomination or election shall happen within one year after the enforcement of this Constitution.
Article 39 – Members substitution
1. If the President is permanently or temporarily prevented from performing his official function, the Vice-president shall represent him until the next General Meeting. This General Meeting shall elect a new President, if necessary.
2. If a Founder member is permanently prevented from performing his official function, the President shall appoint a new Individual member in substitution for the remaining period of office.
3. If an Individual member of the Executive Committee is permanently or temporarily prevented from performing his official function, the President shall immediately appoint a new Individual member for the remaining period of office.
4. If a member of the Executive Committee appointed by the confederations or the Football Associations is permanently or temporarily prevented from performing his official function, he shall be immediately replaced by the confederation or Football Associations which appointed him for the remaining period of office.
Article 40 - Composition
The President nominates the following functions between the members of the Executive Committee:
1. A Deputy Vice-president.
2. A General Secretary.
3. A Treasurer.
Article 41 - Competences
1. The Executive Committee shall pass decisions on all cases that do not come within the sphere of responsibility of the General Meeting or are not reserved for other bodies by law or under this Constitution.
2. The Executive Committee shall appoint the managers and members of the standing committees.
3. The Executive Committee may decide to set up ad-hoc committees if necessary at any time.
4. The Executive Committee shall appoint the delegates from NFB to the different authorities.
5. The Executive Committee shall appoint the match Delegates.
6. The Executive Committee shall compile the regulations for the organisation of standing committees and ad-hoc committees.
7. The Executive Committee shall decide the place and dates of the competitions of NFB tournaments and the number of teams taking part from each confederation.
Article 42 - Meetings
1. The Executive Committee meets two times a year at least, and any time that the association’s interest requires it.
2. The President shall convene the Executive Committee meetings. If the fifth of its members request a meeting, the President shall convene the Executive Committee
3. The President shall compile the agenda. The agenda shall be mentioned in the convocations. Each member of the Executive Committee is entitled to propose items for inclusion in the agenda.
4. The agenda of an Executive Committee may be altered, provided half of the members present agree to such a motion.
5. A Member of the Executive Committee may be represented by another member of the Executive Committee, bearer of a written proxy. Only one proxy per member is authorized.
6. A proposal shall be adopted only if an absolute majority (half of the members plus one member) of the members of the Executive Committee agree to it. In the case of equality, a second ballot is organized. In the case of new equality, the President’s vote is casting. The vote shall be conducted by secret ballot if any member of the Executive Committee asks for.
Article 43 – Members responsibility
The members of the Executive Committee do not take any personal duty in relation to the commitments of the NFB. They are only responsible for the executive of their non benefit warrant, as well as the errors made in their management.
Article 44 – Lawsuits
Legal actions, whether as claimant or defendant, shall be brought and continued, on behalf of the NFB, by the Executive Committee, at the behest of the President or the Director (member of the Executive Committee) holding power of attorney.
Article 45 – Actions binding on the NFB
Unless the Executive Committee approves a special delegation, the actions binding on the NFB shall be signed by the President or, if not, by a Director (member of the Executive Committee) delegated for this purpose and by the General Secretary or, if not, by a Director delegated by the Executive Committee for this purpose, without there being any need to give proof to third parties of a resolution by the Executive Committee.
Article 46 – Day-to-day management
Day-to-day management of the NFB, as well as the use of the company signature assigned to said management (up to 1.500 euros), shall be conferred on the President of the Executive Committee or, if not, on a Director (member of the Executive Committee) delegated for this purpose. This day-to-day management shall include in particular the power to give discharge or receipt to any public administration, railway, post office, telephone company and private company. However, beyond 1.500 euros, the signatures of the General Secretary or, if not, of a Director delegated for this purpose, and the President shall be required, with the exception of protective measures.
Article 47 – Official Register
The decisions made by the Executive Committee shall be recorded in an official register. All minutes shall be signed by all the members of the Executive Committee attending the meeting. Extracts to be submitted to courts or elsewhere shall be signed by the President or two Directors (members of the Executive Committee).
Article 48 - President
1. The President represents NFB legally.
2. He is primarily responsible for:
a) implementing the decisions passed by the General Meeting and the Executive Committee through the general secretariat;
b) supervising the work of the general secretariat;
c) relations between NFB and the confederations, members, political bodies and international organizations;
3. The President shall preside over the General Meeting, the Executive and Emergency Committee meetings and those committees of which he has been appointed chairman.
4. The President shall have an ordinary vote on the Executive Committee and, whenever votes are equal, shall have a casting vote.
5. If the President is absent or unavailable, the Vice-president shall deputise.
6. Any additional powers of the President shall be contained in the Internal Regulations.
Article 49 – General Secretary
1. The General Secretary carries out all the administrative work of NFB.
2. He shall be responsible for:
a) Implementing decisions passed by the General Meeting and Executive Committee in compliance with the President’s directives;
b) Compiling the minutes for the meetings of the Congress, Executive Committee, Emergency Committee and standing and ad-hoc committees;
c) NFB’s correspondence;
d) Relations with the confederations, members and committees;
e) Organizing and coordinating the general secretariat;
f) Checking the communication tools.
Article 50 – Treasurer
The Treasurer shall monitor the annual budget and financial statements, and submit them to the Executive Committee.