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N.F.-Board Constitution

In accordance with the Belgian law of the 27th of June 1921, a non-profit making association has been incorporated with the following constitution:




Article 1 – Name & headquarters

1. The name of the Association is N.F.-Board (New Football Federations-Board) (NFB).

2. NFB headquarters are located in Liège (Belgium), 19, Place Delcour, and may be moved to any another location within the judicial district of Liège by simple resolution by the Executive Committee, to be published in the Appendices of the "Moniteur Belge".



Article 2 – Objectives

The NFB wants to use Football as a springboard to the knowledge of Peoples, Nations, Minorities and Isolated Territories populations´ culture. 

The objectives of NFB are:


1. To federate Football Associations issued of Peoples, Nations, Minorities and Isolated Territories populations, which are not affiliated to FIFA, in order to organize international football games, regardless of political or religious factors.


2. To prepare its Football Associations members for international competitions and for arranging administrative structures and matches, particularly in order to fill up with the conditions of the FIFA Admission rules.


3. To organize friendly matches, tournaments and international competitions, including the « NF-Board VIVA World Cup ».


4. To organize more generally anything which will promote its own development and that of its Football Associations members. 


- The NFB shall be apolitical and non denominational.

- The NFB wants to be complementary with FIFA and respectful of existing state control institutions.

- The NFB can realize its objectives by any means possible and in particular may carry out any secondary activity necessary or useful for the achievement of its objectives. In particular, it may acquire free of charge or at cost all goods and real estate, manage, administrate and dispose of these assets, enter into contracts, and go into partnership with other legal persons.

- The NFB shall be authorized to collect all donations and bequests, and may carry out any type of activity enabling to gather funds which shall be used to achieve its objectives. 



Article 3 – Duration

The NFB is incorporated for an unlimited period. 



Article 4 - Non-discrimination and stance against racism. 

Discrimination of any kind against a country, private person or groups of people on account of ethnic origin, gender, language, religion, politics or any other reason is strictly prohibited and punishable by suspension or expulsion.



Article 5 – Promoting friendly relations

NFB promote friendly relations between its members. Any member has to observe the Constitution, Internal Regulations, regulations and the principles of fair play. 



Article 6 – Players

IIThe Internal Regulations shall regulate the status of players. 



Article 7 – Laws of the Game

Each member of NFB shall play Association Football in compliance with the Laws of the Game issued by IFAB. 



Article 8 - Conduct of bodies and officials

The bodies and officials must observe the Constitution, Internal Regulations, regulations and decisions of NFB in their activities. 



Article 9 – Official languages

French is the official language for minutes, correspondence and announcements. English and Spanish are the other official languages of NFB. Members are responsible for translations into the languages of their country. The Constitution, the Internal Regulations, the decisions and announcements of NFB shall be published, as far as possible, in the three official languages. If there is any divergence in the wording, the French text is authoritative. 

Become a Volunteer!


The N.F.-Board is constantly looking for volunteers in different areas. We have open positions as translators, designers, competitions officers and country agents.  


If you are interested, please do not hesitate to send us your Resume and a cover letter to :


Support us!


The N.F.-Board is a non-profit and non-governmental organization (NGO) created in 2003 and has been approved by the UN in 2011 under the label ECOSOC.



Legal address & Headquarters:


OMF (Pôle administratif N.F.-Board)

BP 202

F-26105 Romans sur Isère CEDEX


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