N.F.-Board Constitution
In accordance with the Belgian law of the 27th of June 1921, a non-profit making association has been incorporated with the following constitution:
Article 51 – Emergency Committee
1. The Emergency Committee shall deal with all matters requiring immediate settlement between two meetings of the Executive Committee. The committee shall consist of the NFB President, the Vice-President, the General Secretary and two members of the Executive Committee chosen from among its members for a period of two years.
2. The President shall convene the Emergency Committee meetings. If a meeting cannot be convened within an appropriate period of time, decisions may be passed through other means of communication. Such decisions shall have immediate legal effect. The President shall notify the Executive Committee immediately of the decisions passed by the Emergency Committee.
3. All decisions taken by the Emergency Committee shall be ratified by the Executive Committee at its next meeting.
4. If the President is unable to attend a meeting, the vice-president shall deputise.
5. The President is entitled to designate a deputy for any member who is unable to attend or has a conflict of interests. The deputy shall belong to the Executive Committee.
Article 52 – Standing Committees
1. The standing committees are:
a) Associations Committee
b) Players’ Eligibility Committee
c) Organising Committee for the VIVA World Cup
d) Calendar Committee
e) Legal Committee
f) Media and Communication Committee
g) Marketing Committee
h) Disciplinary Committee
2. The managers of the standing committees shall be members of the Executive Committee.
3. The members of each standing committee shall be designated by the Executive Committee on the proposal of the members of NFB, the President of NFB or the confederations.
The managers and the members of the standing committees shall be designated for a term of office of two years.
4. The composition, specific duties and powers of the individual committees shall be stipulated in the Internal Regulations.
5. Each manager shall represent his committee and conduct business in compliance with the relevant organisation regulations.
6. Each committee may propose amendments to its regulations to the Executive Committee.
Article 53 – Associations Committee
The Associations Committee shall deal with relations between NFB and its Affiliated members and draw up proposals for optimum cooperation. The Committee prepares the applications for membership of the candidates Football Associations.
Article 54 - Players’ Eligibility Committee
The Players’ Status Committee shall set up and monitor compliance with the eligibility criterions during the friendly games, tournaments and various NFB competitions.
Article 55 - Organising Committee for the VIVA World Cup
The Organising Committee for the VIVA World Cup shall organise the VIVA World Cup in compliance with the provisions of the regulations applicable to this competition and the Organising Association Agreement.
Article 56 – Calendar Committee
The Calendar Committee shall elaborate the NFB world-wide calendar, coordinate and control the friendly games and tournaments played by the NFB members, and transmit the results in order to establish the World Ranking.
Article 57 – Legal Committee
The Legal Committee shall analyse basic legal issues relating to the evolution of the Constitution and regulations of NFB, confederations and members.
Article 58 - Media and Communication Committee
The Media Committee shall deal with the working conditions for the media at NFB events and maintain relations with international media organizations. The Committee shall elaborate the communication tools.
Article 59 – Marketing Committee
The Marketing Committee shall deal with the search for financial partners and the preparation for the contracts between NFB and its partners.
Article 60 - Disciplinary Committee
1. If possible, the manager of the Disciplinary Committee shall have legal qualifications.
2. The committee shall pass decisions only when at least two members are present. In certain cases, the manager may rule alone.
3. The committee may pronounce the sanctions on members, officials and players.
4. These provisions are subject to the disciplinary powers of the General Meeting and Executive Committee with regard to the suspension and expulsion of members.
Article 61 – Appeal Authority
The Executive Committee is the only appeal authority. It is responsible for hearing appeals against decisions from the standing committees. Decisions pronounced shall be irrevocable and binding on all the parties concerned.