N.F.-Board Constitution
In accordance with the Belgian law of the 27th of June 1921, a non-profit making association has been incorporated with the following constitution:
Article 24 - Confederations
1. Affiliated members that belong to the same continent can be grouped into a confederation accepted by NFB.
2. NFB may, in exceptional circumstances, authorise a confederation to grant membership to a Football Association that belongs geographically to another continent and is not affiliated to the confederation on that continent. The opinion of the confederation concerned geographically shall be obtained.
3. Each confederation shall have the following rights and obligations:
a) To comply with and enforce compliance with the Constitution, Internal Regulations, regulations and decisions of NFB.
b) To work closely with NFB in every domain so as to achieve the objectives stipulated in art. 2 and to organise competitions.
c) To organise its own competitions, in compliance with the NFB calendar.
d) To appoint to the Executive Committee members to which they are entitled in compliance with this Constitution.
e) To nurture relations and cooperation with NFB actively and constructively for the Good of the Game through consultative meetings and to discuss and resolve any problems relating to its interests and to the interests of NFB.
f) To ensure that the representatives appointed to NFB bodies or the Executive Committee carry out their activities on these bodies with mutual respect, solidarity, recognition and fair play.
g) To allow exceptionally, with NFB’s consent, a Football Association from another confederation to participate in a competition that it is organizing.
h) With the mutual cooperation of NFB, to take any action considered necessary to develop the game of football between the Peoples, the Nations, the Minorities and the Isolated Territories populations.
i) To set up the bodies necessary to fulfil the duties incumbent upon it that will work closely together with the corresponding committees at NFB.
j) To procure the funds necessary to fulfil its duties.
4. The Executive Committee may delegate other duties or powers to the confederations. To this end, NFB may conclude an appropriate agreement with each of the confederations concerned.
5. The confederations’ statutes and regulations shall be submitted to NFB for approval.