N.F.-Board Constitution
In accordance with the Belgian law of the 27th of June 1921, a non-profit making association has been incorporated with the following constitution:
Article 25 – Bodies
1. The General Meeting is the supreme and legislative body.
2. The Board of Directors, called Executive Committee, is the executive body.
3. The General Secretariat is the administrative body.
4. Standing and ad-hoc committees shall advise and assist the Executive Committee in fulfilling its duties. Their primary duties are defined in this Constitution and their composition, function and additional duties are defined in special regulations.
Article 26 – General meeting
1. A General Meeting may be an Ordinary or an Extraordinary General Meeting.
2. The Ordinary General Meeting shall be held every year. The Executive Committee shall fix the place and date. The members shall be notified in writing at least three months in advance. The formal convocation shall be made in writing at least one month before the date of the General Meeting. This convocation shall contain the agenda, the President’s report and the financial statements.
3. The Executive Committee may convene an Extraordinary General Meeting at any time.
4. The Executive Committee shall convene an Extraordinary General Meeting if one-fifth of the members make such a request in writing. The request shall specify the items for the agenda. An Extraordinary General Meeting shall be held within three months of receipt of the request.
5. The members shall be notified of the place, date and agenda at least two months before the date of an Extraordinary General Meeting. The agenda of an Extraordinary General Meeting may not be altered.
Article 27 – Obligatory resolutions
A resolution by the General Meeting shall be necessary for the following items:
1. Amendments to the Constitution;
2. Appointment or dismissal of members of the Executive Committee;
3. Approval of budgets and accounts;
4. Dissolution of the NFB;
5. Exclusion of a member.
Article 28 - Vote, delegates
1. Each Effective member has one vote in the General Meeting. Only the Effective members present or represented are entitled to vote. An Affiliated member is represented by its delegate.
2. Each Effective member can be represented by another Effective member, bearer of a written proxy which is delivered to the President of the Executive Committee. Only one proxy is authorized per member.
3. Delegates must belong to the Affiliated member that they represent and be appointed by the appropriate body of that Football Association.
4. Confederation delegates may take part in the General Meeting as observers.
5. During their term of office, members of the Executive Committee may not be appointed as delegates for their Football Association.
6. The President shall conduct the General Meeting business in compliance with the Internal Regulations.
Article 29 - Candidates for the Presidency of NFB
1. The Affiliated members may propose candidates for the presidency of NFB. Members shall notify the NFB general secretariat in writing of the name of the candidate for the NFB presidency and his list (cf. art. 37) at least two months before the date of the General Meeting.
2. The general secretariat shall notify all the members of the names and lists of proposed candidates at least one month before the date of the General Meeting.
Article 30 - Ordinary General Meeting Agenda
1. The General Secretary shall draw up the agenda based on proposals from the Executive Committee and the members. Any proposal that a member wishes to submit to the General Meeting shall be sent to the general secretariat in writing, with a brief explanation, at least two months before the date of the General Meeting.
2. The General Meeting agenda shall include the following mandatory items:
a) A declaration that the General Meeting has been convened and composed in compliance with the Constitution;
b) approval of the agenda;
c) an address by the President
d) suspension or expulsion of a member (if applicable);
e) approval of the minutes of the preceding General Meeting;
f) activity report (containing the activities since the last General Meeting);
g) approval of the financial statements;
h) approval of the budget;
i) admission for membership (if applicable);
j) votes on proposals for amendments to the Constitution and the Internal Regulations (if applicable);
k) discussion of proposals submitted by the members and the Executive Committee within the period stipulated under par. 1 (if applicable) ;
l) election of the President and installation of the Vice-president and members of the Executive Committee (if applicable).;
3. The agenda of an Ordinary General Meeting may be altered, provided three-quarters of the members present at the Ordinary General Meeting and eligible to vote agree to such a motion.
Article 31 - Amendments to the Constitution and the Internal Regulations
1. The General Meeting, at which a quorum is present, shall represent the universality of the members. It shall have the widest powers to have all the instruments concerning the NFB ratified. Resolutions shall be binding on all members, including those absent or dissenting.
2. The General Meeting is responsible for amending the Constitution and the Internal Regulations.
3. Any proposals for an amendment to the Constitution must be submitted in writing with a brief explanation to the general secretariat by a member or by the Executive Committee. A proposal submitted by a member is valid, provided it has been supported in writing by at least two other members.
4. Proposals for amending the Constitution or for an early dissolution shall be formally stated in the agenda.
5. For a vote on an amendment to the Constitution to be valid, an absolute majority (half of the members plus one member) of the members eligible to vote must be present.
6. A proposal for an amendment to the Constitution shall be adopted only if three-quarters of the members present and eligible to vote agree to it.
7. Any proposal to amend the Internal Regulations must be submitted in writing with a brief explanation to the general secretariat by a member or by the Executive Committee.
8. A proposal for an amendment to the Internal Regulations shall be adopted only if a simple majority of the members present and eligible to vote agree to it.
Article 32 – Early dissolution
1. For a vote on an early dissolution of the NFB, the two-thirds of the members eligible to vote must be present.
2. A proposal for an early dissolution of the NFB shall be adopted only if three-quarters of the members present and eligible to vote agree to it.
Article 33 - Elections, other decisions, requisite majority
1. Elections shall be conducted by secret ballot.
2. Any other decision that requires a vote shall be reached by a show of hands or by secret ballot. If a
show of hands does not result in a clear majority in favor of a motion, the vote by secret ballot shall be taken by calling the roll, members being called in French alphabetical order.
3. For the election of the President, two-thirds of the votes recorded and valid are necessary in the first ballot. In the second and any other requisite ballot, an absolute majority of the votes recorded is sufficient. If there are more than two candidates, whoever obtains the lowest number of votes is eliminated as from the second ballot until only two candidates are left.
4. Unless otherwise stipulated in the Constitution, a simple majority is sufficient for a vote to be valid. The number of valid votes counted shall decide the simple majority. Abstentions are disregarded in calculating the majority.
Article 34 - Minutes
1. The General Secretary shall be responsible for recording the minutes at the General Meeting.
2. The decisions of the General Meeting shall be recorded in minutes contained in a special register and signed by the President and the General Secretary. The decisions concerning third parties and, in any case, any amendments to the Constitution, as well as any appointment, resignation or dismissal of a Director (member of the Executive Committee)), shall be published in the Appendices of the “Moniteur Belge” within the month of their dates of occurrence.
Copies or extracts shall be signed by the President or two Directors.
Article 35 - Effective dates of decisions
Decisions passed by the General Meeting shall come into effect for the members the day after the close of the General Meeting, unless the General Meeting fixes another date for a decision to take effect.